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Guest Interview With Brian Page
First Time Revealed ...
Using Celebrities to Get 10,000+ High Ticket Buyers and 9 Figures in Sales Revenue
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Hey, it's Yassin Shaar here with another interview in our series highlighting some of the superstars in our industries. And today I'm super excited to be talking with Brian Page. Brian.

I'm doing great. How are you?

I'm doing awesome. Brian is the leader behind BNB formula, which is probably the most popular training out there on making money from Airbnb and which has been endorsed by celebrities like Ryan Cardone, Mike Dillard, Ty Lopez, and a lot of the educators in the space actually have JV, Luke Bryan and mailed for him because of the hot offer his running. I believe a lot of people watching this already know you or heard about you or heard of you. Why don't you give us like a real quick overview of the overview of your business model and what you're doing right now in this space.

Sure. I have a background in real estate investing. I was a real estate investor pretty much my whole life. And after the real estate crash in 08, I had to start over with, my real estate. I, lost my portfolio during the crash and I was kind of looking for an alternative way to do real estate. And I knew the Airbnb can make, make money with it, but I didn't have the ability to buy property. Because of an idea that I got from a random stranger on a plane, actually, he said, you know, you could control properties with leases and do the same thing. And so I, I ended up going out and leasing a whole bunch of properties and doing over six figures my first six months with Airbnb without owning anything. And now I teach people how to build a six to seven figure business doing the exact same thing. And I've got over 10,000 students around the world and 38 countries that are doing this. And my training is called the BNB formula. It's the world's best selling training on how to do home trading.

I think I first came across your offer 2016 probably Joe McCall was promoting that early.

That's early.

It's just like back, back in the day. Beautiful. I mean, Brian, there are so many things we could talk about today or you only have so much time to dig in. So if it's okay with you, I'd like us to focus primarily on using celebrities in advertising and how you go about setting up deals like that. Because a lot of people are doing a lot of interesting stuff in the space, but you're one of those who are like you use celebrities in a very masterful way. I've been digging around checking your funnels, your Facebook ads and everything, and I'm really, intrigued by you're going all in on that trend. So I'd love to dig into that because not a lot of people that talked, chatted with on these interviews are using celebrities. So I think this is a unique angle that our audience would appreciate. So is that okay with you? For us? So beautiful. Let me start out by asking like what inspired the idea of using celebrities in your advertising?

Well I have always believed in the concept called the dream 100. It's something that Russell Bronson talks about a lot. My friend Dana Derricks has actually written a book about it called the dream 100 with the dream 100 is a concept that comes in different homes, shut homes initially shut homes came up with the idea. It's the idea that you're going to come up with a list of the hundred people that are the biggest influencers in your industry and then try to get to know those people and connect with them. I just kind of took that idea, but I just called it the dream 5 dream 10. I didn't, I didn't even go dream a hundred. I just said I'm going to go for the biggest people I can find. And the idea is that if you can get endorsed by the top experts in your field, then that endorsement, you know, it has a big impact on people trusting you. And wanting to buy your products and that kind of thing. And so just being associated with those kinds of people, definitely sets you apart from all your competitors, set you apart from anyone else. And that's it. I don't know if it was something I intended to do, but it was part of my overall strategy and it's been very profitable.

For sure. I mean, I mean, you're pretty familiar with the JV world, right? JVs, so what kind of propelled you? So who was first of all your first celebrity that you've, brought on and did it like a deal with.

It's, it's not easy to go from unknown to immediately working with a list people. That's not generally going to happen. And it didn't happen for me either. I had a lot of people that believed in me and wanted to promote my product and my course before I ever met anybody that's, kind of an a Lister or well known. For me, one of the people that I really wanted to work with was Mike Dillard some people don't know who he is, a lot of people do that are in the marketing world. But Mike Dillard was somebody who I was studying his courses on, on all kinds of things. I was, he was kind of a mentor to me. Even though he didn't know me and I, I just started putting out feelers with people in the, a real estate space and said, does anybody know Mike Dillard does anybody. Just kind of getting the word out there.

And I wasn't actively, I never reached out to Mike directly myself or anything like that, but somebody brought him to me and said, Hey, Mike wants to meet you and let's talk. And that was kind of the first door opening. And of course Mike is very connected with all the top, high level people. I would say he was the first person. And then it was tremendous because he was actually one of my biggest, He did more in sales than almost anybody else has ever done with me.And that propelled me. And then millions of people, I don't know how many, maybe not millions, but a lot of people listen to his podcast. I think it is in the millions actually. And people would always say, Oh my gosh, I heard about you on Mike Dillard. And then that led into more opportunities. So often when you find one person that's really well connected, then you're in, you can get in with a lot of other, a lot of other people, but you have to have, there's more to it than just that. You have to actually have a good reputation. You have to have a product, you have to be a stand up person, both integrity or you're just not going to go anywhere because people will know that you're not, somebody worth doing business with.

Yeah. And that's actually one of, one of my questions that I wanted to ask. Like, so like what are the prerequisites? Well, what do you, what do you need to have in place in order to make the most out of their celebrity endorsement? Because it's like getting the endorsement is one thing. All right. Get someone on a video, record him endorsing, that's one thing, but the power is not in the actual endorsement, but maybe in the distribution of that endorsement. Getting in front. I mean, you know better, right? You're the expert. This so, so like what are the prerequisites, If I'm considering going out and working with some influencers, right? Influencer marketing is now like a big thing. Instagram and all of that. What do I need to have in place, Brian, to make the most out of a celebrity endorsement?

Well, you know, people are incentivized for their own reasons. So Mike's a good example. I'll, I'll give you another story. Dean Graziosi was one of the very first people I ever, I ever worked with. Believe it or not, when I heard about Dean, somebody wanted me to meet him. I didn't know who he was, I'd never heard of him. He's huge. And in the marketing world, and it's done over like $1 billion in sales, all this stuff. But I didn't know who he was, but I was introduced to him by someone that knew both of us and said, you guys need to talk. You need to work with each other and this is going to be a really good opportunity. But what I found is that people are incentivized for their own reasons. So none of the celebrities I've ever worked with would ever promote me if they weren't going to make money themselves.

So I made it very clear that if you work with me, you're gonna make money because I have a great product. People want to buy it. I need to get access to other people's audiences. Just like if you had an audience, I'd say, all right, let's do business together. You're gonna make money. I'm gonna make money, then you're going to be in it. You're not just doing it cause you're a nice guy. You're doing it cause you're in business. So you got to incentivize people. You gotta be generous. I've gone above and beyond. I've done things that people in the industry just don't do. Like I pay, I pay people immediately after they promote me. I pay them almost their entire commissions. Most people don't do that, they drag it out. You've got to make them money. Those kinds of things.

So I always treat people the way I want to be treated. I want to go above and beyond on that level. And not only that, I think that having a great product, That you really have put your heart and soul into that actually gets results for people is going to attract more people to you that want to work with you. So whatever it is that you do, if you're not excellent at it and you're not actually trying to help people, you're not actually trying, trying to whatever your product is. If it doesn't deliver, then you're not going to get people. I mean, you could pay an influencer on Instagram to put a post for you, but that's not the same as having a true endorsement and somebody that you can interact with, I'm friends with these people that I've always admired. That's a key component, I think.

Beautiful. And so, and how do you go about like selecting a celebrity because not all celebrities are created equally, right? So what's your criteria when you're thinking about lucky, Should I pay this guy? Should I do a deal with this guy? Like, so what's your thought process behind selecting celebrities or your offers?

Well, for me, I was looking for people to have audiences that I wanted to reach. So as an example Grant Cardone. I knew grant was on the top of my list. He was probably number one or number two on my list way up there. And I knew that if I could meet Grant, get to know him or be on one of his shows or something like that, that it would be huge because his audience is they're all about real estate. They're all about cash flow. They're all about all that kind of stuff that aligns with my brand. So now Grant wouldn't be a good choice for somebody that does something entirely different. You know, I mean, if you're selling, I health care to the elderly, you're probably not going to look for Grant Cardone to endorse you.

He's got a very male audience. He's in sales, he's got certain type of audience. But i would say you're going to look for people in your industry that have the largest audiences that align with your audience. That's what you're looking for. It doesn't really matter how famous they are necessarily matters who their audience is. That's kind of what I would say. And that's kind of what I did. I also work with people that are very different from me. Like, um, like Ty Lopez is a good example. His brand is very different. Some people, you know, he's very polarizing. Some people love them, some people hate him, but he's a masterful marketer and he's got a gigantic audience. And the funny thing is all of these people know each other.

You know, like Ty and grant are buds. And so when I go meet, you know, Grant, I can shoot tech tie attacks and say, Hey, I'm hanging my Grant right now. And he's like, what? What are you doing on the grant? You know, tell me what you're up to. It it peeks the interest and it and I'm automatically in that peer group, if that makes sense. I don't act. That's another key. I want to, I want to tell everybody. You don't want to act as if you're not equal to people that you admire. In other words were they might be more successful than you, but you don't treat people as if they're your idol. You treat them as if they're your colleague and your peers. I don't see those people as my,Grant Cardone might be worth a lot more money than I am, but I don't treat him when I, when I met him for the first time, as if he's my superior, I treat him as, Hey, look, it's a privilege for you to do business with me as well.

I've got something of value. I've got something you don't have. And even told me that, he said, you have something I don't have. This is amazing what you're doing. So that's an example too. So it's not, it's not like being prideful. It's just saying, look, if you're going to be a successful person, then act as if. And when you, want to do business, people be confident that you're going to, but they're just further down the road than you are. I have a mentor of mine. I said, man, I really admire, I was actually talking about what Ty was up to because he's been doing some incredibly big lately behind the scenes and, and most people don't know what he's up to, but he tells me sometimes, and I'm like, man, that's crazy. That kind of stuff he's doing right now and a friend, a mentor mindset.

It doesn't mean anything. He's just further down the road than you are. He's just been doing it longer than you have. So just give it time. And I was like, that's really a cool way of looking at it. So I really believe that's true is that when you approach people as if you're your peers, they treat you with a different kind of respect. They treat you with a different kind of thing than saying, Oh, please, please help me. Would you please promote me? Would you beg and that's just not a good road. Cause I see people beg me all the time, we please promote my product. We please do this, do that, whatever. And it's just not, it's not good. That makes sense.

That sets you up in negotiations. As inferior to them. Right. So in a situation like that. Even when talking to sellers, right, if you're coming it's like please, can I give me like offer, or would you accept this term? Or can I just come and see the prompt and we can work something out.
And it's the psychology of it. It really is the psychology of it. I'm a big believer in attracting versus pursuing. So there's a big difference between attracting and pursuing. I have people that, I'm not particularly famous or anything, but I have a lot of people that reach out to me pursuing me for opportunities and it's just, it's just nonstop. And I couldn't imagine how many opportunities,.

More well known people have. Every day their inbox is filled with opportunities. Every day people are like trying to introduce them to people. So they, they have an overwhelming amount of people that want stuff from them. What they don't have, is people that are not trying to get something from them that don't have an agenda. So when I meet with people that I really want to do business with, I don't really have an agenda in the sense that I'm going to close them on the deal. I'm going to make this happen. I sometimes let it simmer and it sits for a while. Like it takes a while. Like with Grant, you know, I, I didn't have to pay to meet grant, I didn't have to pay to be on a show. I didn't have any formal deal with him, but I made it happen after, I don't know, a year of just people hearing about me and telling grant and coming back to me and saying, I had a conversation with Grant about you and all this stuff.

So then eventually he's like, all right, let's meet this guy. Let's, let's have him down. And, and that kind of happened organically, if that makes sense. I never sent emails, I never sent gifts. I didn't do all of that kind of stuff because to me that's that starting on the wrong foot. And, it's an attracting thing. It's kind of like, I know that I'm gonna attract bigger and bigger people and now I'm asking myself, how do I, how do I track the tension of people like Elon Musk and people that I, that are like the superstars in the world that I want to eventually get to know his friends and those kinds of things. So I had a conversation yesterday actually with a guy who's friends with Elon and he's friends with Bill Gates and you know, he's let me tell you what these guys are like.

And he's telling me all these funny stories and it's kinda cool. And so I'm probably gonna meet those guys one day cause I'm friends with this guy and it's just kind of, but I'm not making it happen. I'm not pushing it. I just know that eventually I'll be associating with that level of entrepreneurs as well. And they may or may not endorse me, but that's okay. I'm not looking for an endorsement. I'm looking just to make connections at the highest level. So, I think that it's also, it's not about pursuing, it's about attracting. And that's true in dating. It's true in friendships. It's true in everything. You have to really put yourself out there, let people know who you are, but don't always have an agenda. And don't always try to make things happen. I've met people I think are so amazing and I do things for them when they never asked me to do to them because I, because of the vibe that they put off and the energy they bring the world.

So that sounds kind of like out there, but, and it's a little bit it's kind of counterintuitive of what they teach you that you should aggressively go after the people that you want to do business with. But I've never done that and I've never actually push to make any of these things happen. So, I don't know if that makes any sense,.

It's does, it's like going after a fish swimming after the fish to catch it versus throwing in a Bait and lure it in, right?

I mean, people, people talk, I mean, people talk, right? I mean like, like, and people at the highest levels all know each other. So if you, if you know somebody that's even remotely associated with people at the highest levels, they're going to talk about you and they're going to say something like this Brian, he's doing interesting things.

This Airbnb thing, it's different. It's interesting. Okay. I haven't heard of him. And then the next time they talk about you again, and that might be a year later. And then eventually it starts happening where you just get to know one of them and then suddenly they're like, Oh, I'm going to introduce you to so-and-so. It's just the funny way that kind of works. It's really who, you know, it really is. It's not what, you know, in business who, , I'm in several masterminds. I believe in masterminds big time. I've spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on masterminds, Tony Robins masterminds and a war room and Joe Polish's genius network and things like that. And so that gives you access to people. So you have you have access to people that are at very high levels.

Like I have a conversation yesterday with a guy who's friends with Elon Musk and he's mentioning Navin Jane, who's like this brilliant billionaire. And I was like I had lunch with Navin a year and a half ago. And we sat down and had lunch and there's a fascinating human being. And so because I have that connection, he's like, Oh wow, you know, him. And I was like, well, yeah, I'm not best friends with him, but I know. And so it's, but I wouldn't have met him had I not spent a lot of money to go to an event where I could sit down and have lunch with him, you know? And so that's kind of how it works. So it's, it's putting yourself out there and constantly building relationships with people.

I'm picking up. I'm seeing a pattern that you tried to get into the circles where your dream 100 partners dream 100 client's dream 100 celebs who want to work with right there. One or two degrees may be far from where you want to be and you just, just be like a good guy, right? Give before you receive the more you associate yourself with people in those circles, the more you're targeted clients go into hearing more and more, your name and the more you come up, they recognize the name. They recognize the reputation right from someone else because they're going to trust their people, right. Saying something about you, then you coming to them and saying something about yourself. Right?

Yeah. And it's also you have to get permission from people. So you want to make sure if you're going to quote somebody that you get the permission like I saw somebody use my name and face on their website and I'd never even talked to them before and I was like who in the world is doing this? That's a good way to get a letter from an attorney. But if you, have permission from somebody like the first time I met Dean, you know, your product is kind of like the new no money down. And I say, can I quote you on that? That's brilliant. And he's like, yeah. So I quoted them on that. So it's on my website. Yeah. Brian, Brian's formula is a new no money down and, so I'm always looking for quotes.

I'm always looking for some, somebody says something about me that I really admire, then I say, Hey, can I use that? So you've got to make sure that you're asking for permission. And then also just going above and beyond. So I'll give you an example of what happened when I went to meet with grant. So grant didn't agree to promote my product. You know, he doesn't generally promote other people's products. He's got some money of his own, but I was on his interview and, he interviewed me about what I do. And, I linked that interview to my webinar and we ended up doing like, I dunno, well over six figures in sales just in a few days or a week from all the views of that, of that webinar. And, and like I said, he never agreed to promote me. He never agreed to promote the product.

So I didn't owe him anything for that cause it was on YouTube. It was just, it was just, I just asked his team to put my website link down there and they did. And, then I ended up a month later, or whatever it was after, you know, everything settled down. I wrote him a very big check and I sent it to him in the mail and he reached out to me and said, you need to come back down here and see me, cause I can't believe you wrote me this check and i didn't have to do that. And I didn't, I mean it was, it was a significant amount of money and I did it because why wouldn't I? I mean there's, I want to build a relationship with this guy and I want, I want a longterm work with grant if the door opens.

And so because of that, I've been able to fly down there twice. And we've talked about doing joint ventures together and that kind of stuff. And, I know his team really well and you know, we meet every once in a while. So I've been able to open that door because, I did something that was not required to do and I thought that's, that would be a nice way to make a huge impression. Like, here you go here, you know, here's, here's some money that you never actually even promoted me and you made money with me. Now imagine if you actually worked with me, how much money would you make?

What a positive pattern interrupt. Right? Getting a check from like out of nowhere. Like that lends you all the credibility.

I mean that was the thing. I don't think he's, I think he's, never seen somebody who's given him a check when there was no deal to just say, Hey, here's a check for almost six figures, that that just doesn't happen. And the other thing is I always, I always believe in gifts, this is something I talk about a lot and a lot other cultures, people give gifts to each other in the U S culture, American culture generally, it's not as, something you normally are expected to do. But in Asian cultures and middle Eastern cultures, I mean, you give people a gift, that's what you do and you invite them into your home or you do business with them. Well, every person I meet with, I give them a gift and I make sure that it's a very, it's a gift that's very much tailored to their interests.

You know, it's something that they, like Mike Diller, for example, he likes racing Ferrari's and fast car. So I, I gave him a gift certificate to the circuit of America's in Austin where he likes to race and, I do my homework, and like Ty Lopez is in the books. So I found a book that I knew he did not have a copy of that was written by one of his, his heroes and mentors. And I gave it to him and I signed the inside of it and he was like, Whoa, this is cool. Like he remembered me, remembered that. And, and with Grant, I actually brought him a box with a bow on top gift wrapped and it was full of cash rolls and rolls of cash.

And, cause I just thought, what does he like more than money? Nothing. So I just said, here's something that I know you, you'd appreciate that you, that you like more than anything in the world. So he just, thought that was amazing. So i give gifts to make an impression. And once again, it's the idea of giving first, I didn't expect anything in return. I mean, who just shows up and give somebody cash. But, it's funny, kind of a funny joke. It wasn't meant to be serious, those kinds of things, set you apart. And like, I've almost had nobody ever do that with me. I mean, if somebody does a little bit of homework on me, they would know what I'm into. And somebody showed up at my place wanting to meet with me and do business with me, and they did something like that. They would stand out. But nobody ever does that kind of stuff. So they don't think in advanced strategically like that. So, that's what I've always tried to do and relationships, giving and like I said, never actively really pushed them to make any of the relationships happen that have happened. They've happened organically and they're still happening organically behind the scenes with people who are not publicly endorsing.

This is amazing, great stuff. Brian, this is amazing. It's getting me to think about a lot about how we do things here. So, you don't have to give me specifics, how do you think about structuring deals, with celebrity? Like, is it like a one time fee? Do you pay them royalty of some sort? How do you structure deals like that?

Well, I don't know how well your audience is made up of, but if anybody knows what affiliate marketing is, then they understand that with affiliates, you basically do some kind of revenue share on if some people market to their lists. So if you have a list of people you know, big email list and you say, Hey Brian, I want to tell them about your amazing product, then we would just do a split of those, of those profits of those sales. And that's typical in the industry. Some people don't do 50%. I think that's ridiculous. Unless you have some hard, serious hard costs, I think you should. be generous.

And I found that right off the bat that you want to give people the most that you can, not the least that you can. I think that's critical. Cause once again, they're gonna be motivated to do what's in their best interest. You know, if I tell you I'm going to give you 10% of what whatever we sell, you're going to be like, what are you talking about? Like that's not what people do. That's less than ever, but other people are offering. So, because I'd rather have 50% of something 100% of nothing. And that's kind of it. I don't have any kind of like, I mean, I've never done influencer marketing in the sense of like paying for somebody to post for me and that kind of, I never tried that kind of stuff. I've never done that.

I saw your interview with Ty Lopez. And so you're saying your deals or all of your dealings as part of the deal, it's not just like an endorsement, for your product, Hey, like Brian page's, fantastic. You should check them out, but actually being forced, you have to their audience.

And they make money. So as a perfect example, you know, I still cut checks to tie all the time and a lot, all of these people pretty much. And that's just, that's a source of revenue for them and their people are happy, you know, like some of these big people.There's another guy, I won't name, but he said to me, he said, I got to tell you, my people who bought your product, they all are telling me how amazing it is and they're getting results and they're already making money with your product. So I'm going to go ahead and push this out hard and I'm going to get my other friends on board. So that, for him it was like he knew he had to know that he was promoting something that people actually could use and it would be useful and there's a lot of crap out there that people sell.

So that's really critical. there's some people I haven't worked with yet that I probably would like to work with, but quite frankly, you don't have to work with all of the well known people to make this strategy work. You just have to work with a few. I could get 10 more people like that and, what's the point? I mean, after a while it's like people, you know, they just see that you're associated with those people and they trust you. And it's funny the way that works. Right? I mean, it's kind of association, you know?

Beautiful. And this is like one of the other questions. How do you make the most out of an endorsement? I mean, obviously it's like you do the deal, they promote it to their audience, but then it ends, right? Like the mailing ends. How do you go beyond just like you could share with us some of these?

Well, yeah, I mean, I've asked for permission to use people's images for ads if I've done something with somebody, I say look I need to use this picture for an ad or I need to use some of this video for an ad, which is the agreement i have with a lot of people. And that helps long term. If you go to my website BNB formula.com, you'll see that there's quotes on there and images. Those lasts forever. I mean unless they ever asked me to take them down, they're always going to be there. So they last for a long time.

Those are part of the agreement. Like, so it's like you can use the testimonial?

Well, I mean, I don't know if it's a formal agreement. Sometimes I just email somebody or I text them and say, Hey, can I use this quote? Can I use this thing? And you'll see and they'll say, sure, yeah, I don't care. You know, just like I wouldn't care if it was somebody that I liked. And trusted. So that's kinda how it works. So that that lasts longterm. But then at a certain point you have your own momentum. Like now I don't need the endorsements of celebrities because I already have my own momentum and people know, kind of know who I am or have heard of me or the reputation is out there. So they're like, yeah, this, this is a really cool program and you should try it out. So, and I've got thought, I mean, I've got hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of video testimonials of people that have succeeded.

So that is also proof cause people want to see real people that are endorsing you, not just celebrities. So that's kind of, yeah, that's kind of what I would suggest for people is to try to align in, don't align with the same people I'm aligned with. Unless you're doing the same thing I'm doing, but find the people that are right for you and it can't be understated enough. It sounds crazy, but you know, in this kind of stuff, there's a reason people still do this. There's a reason that you still see commercials with celebrities trying to sell things, products, because those kinds of things work. People just trust people that they know and that they like, it was, it was funny, we were having a conversation. The guy I was talking to yesterday, he knows, Dwayne Johnson, the rock.

Yeah. Rock. The rock is like a brilliant marketer. Even though people don't think of him as a marketer, he is. And he could sell anything. Like anything. He's like, I got the rock, shoehorn coming out. I got the rock socks coming out and you need to get my socks. And people would buy it like in the millions because he's the rock. So it's because he's got so much Goodwill, so much likability. People love following him and he's so influential. He could sell anything. And so that kind of stuff, it just does works. Because as humans, we're always looking for how do I know if I can trust this person? Oh, I like that person. So therefore I can trust that person. That's just the way it works.

Beautiful. I want to be respectful of our time. You were coming to the end of the interview, but like what's the next floor, Brian Page. So like where do you go from here, obviously you've got great momentum, you've got celebrities endorsing you, people getting results. Like what's next for Brian Page?

I got some exciting things in the works. I can't share too much, but um, I've got other things that have nothing to do with real estate, have nothing to do with Airbnb or any of that kind of stuff that I'm working on that are really, really cool. But kind of what we just talked about, but on a much higher levels. That's, that's what I'm about right now. And I want to be close friends with the best entrepreneurs the biggest world changers, the people that are actually out there changing the world for the better through capitalism and through entrepreneurship, solving the world's toughest problems. Those are the people I want to be personal, close friends with. And that's what I'm about at this point in my life.

Man. Beautiful. It's been exciting watching your journey and your progress over the past four or five years and I'm inspired by what you're doing. I wish you all the best with your journey and I'm looking forward to like, you know seeing you go to the next level and always upping up.

I want to leave. I want to leave one more thought if I could with anybody who's watching. And this is just so you get the point of what I'm talking about here is that I really want you to believe that you can do great things with your life and you don't have to be born special. You don't have to be born with any connections. You don't have to be super educated or anything like that. You really just have to believe that you can do great things. And this is the conversation I had yesterday with this, this gentleman that I'm becoming friends with. And he said, you know, when I sat down with Elon at lunch a couple of months ago, he said, Elon was complaining about challenges he's having with his wife and his wife is complaining about he works too much and he's got this going on with this kid and he can't find good people to hire. And he's just dealing with all these things and he's thinking, well, this is the guy that everybody thinks as a Superman and he's no different than me. And accept it as mindset is on a whole another level. He's still got the same challenges, the same everything that he's still a person.

You know, you might not be Elon Musk, I'm not going to be Elon Musk, but my point is that you can do great things and if you that and you believe that you have something to contribute to the world, then you can walk around confidently and you can attract those people to yourself.

I love it. Like Tony Robbins says, right? Problems never go away. Just when you start making a little bit more money, you've just arrived your problems in a limo. Right? It's just a better quality problem. Better quality. Yeah. So Brian, I appreciate you for coming on the show. I'm excited for you and for what projects you've got coming up. If someone wants to reach out to you and I know a lot of the folks here watching, they're always looking for great offers to promote to their list products that they can send behind. What is the best way to reach out to you about your BNB formula?

Okay, sure. If you go to BNB formula.com, that's B as in boy, N as in Nancy, B as in boy, formula.com. That's where you can see my product and what we're all about and that kind of stuff. And you can just reach out to us there if you're interested in promoting and or getting involved and actually making money with Airbnb. That's what I teach. If you want to find me on social channels my handle is at B Pagester or B PAGETER. BPagester on any of the social channels, Instagram, whatever. And that's, I have a lot of really cool content about entrepreneurship and that kind of stuff that you can check out and watch. That's probably the best ways to get me.

Beautiful. Well, Brian, it's been a pleasure having you here. Thank you so much, buddy. Hopefully we'll have another interview in one of your launch on your next launch of these exciting projects.

Well, thank you. I appreciate it. It was great talking to you.

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